Friday, February 19, 2010

a new start

Hello.... yes I'm still amongst the living... I have taken a very long break from blogging!! I miss it so... its not that I have been that busy, I have been busy...but not to the point where it takes too much out of my hectic life to sit down and blog! so I'm back... and if I do say it might be better than ever!

The biggest thing that is the center of my life right now is that I am running for Justice of the Peace... It is eating up my life when I'm not out knocking on doors I am thinking of people who I can ask for there votes... or laying in bed wide awake at 3 am wondering what is to become of my life... I never thought that the decision that effects the rest of my life would be put in the hands of over 1000 voters!

I debated over if I should run on the republican or democratic party.... after lots of thought I decided to run on the democratic party... and quickly found out that I can not make everyone happy... I really feel that on small local elections parties shouldn't make a difference! so I filed democrat and another man did too! and one lady filed on the republican... so in the primary it is between that man and myself... the Early voting started Feb 16 thru Feb 28... and the election day is march 2nd!!!

I will be holding my breath till march 2nd... at 8pm! when I will find out if I made it thru this first primary... I will be a nervous wreck... and I am stocking up on wrinkle cream... this is truly aging me.... fast!!!

well I am truly sorry for not posting sooner and more often... stay tuned... this will be sure to be a crazy year..