Friday, April 23, 2010

How did we meet...

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

Today's show us your life is How you met your husband...

My story starts a few years ago, I went trick-r-treating with my cousins and knocked on Donny's mom & dads door... they passed out candy and something different... a "popcorn ball" pretty much popcorn rolled in Carmel!! yum so good!! well right across the street was Donny's house... he was out in the yard working on his semi truck... he said hi and I said hi back... now I had been living down the street from him for about a year... and yes I had noticed him... so I was pretty excited that he said hi to me!! I didn't know at the time but my cousin went back and asked him to come over and "hang out" he did with his friend Jason... it was fun!! About a week later I get a call at 2am.... its Donny and Jason... DO YOU WANT TO GO MUDDIN?!?! I didn't even know what that was but I said yes... they came and picked me up in the same truck I am still driving today... and we went on an adventure of driving crazy thru the muddy roads of this county!!! I think back now and think how crazy and irresponsible it was to go with them... but if I hadn't I wouldn't have the love of my life!!! After the muddin we have not been apart!!!

We met October 30, 2004... were engaged in may 05... and married August 20, 2005!!!

I love Donny with all my heart and truly believe he is my soul mate... he would do anything for me and I would do the same...

We laugh every day and I think the key to a happy marriage and a lasting marriage is to marry your best friend!!! and I have a best friend in him...

I love you Donny!!!


  1. HOW SWEET!! I love this post! Who were the cousins you were trick-r-treating with?? And um you just hopped in the truck with two male strangers at 2 am?! Ahh the things we do to find soulmates!

  2. That was really sweet. I'm glad you're so happy. It's nice when people you care about are in love and well taken care of.
