Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Time to make a change!

Its time to make a change...
well in the way i do things at least...
I am going to start cooking more...

and eating out a lot less!!!

I plan on painting the out side trim of our house...
and sprucing up the yard!

My office looks like this..
and sometimes my head feels
like this picture looks :/

I intend to get it all under control and in order!
a little more like this!
I plan to read more....

and watch less reality tv!!!

I plan to do more home crafts
and re-purpose the things that i do have
instead of buying new things...

this fall I plan on getting everything in order and keeping it that way...
well see how well i do....
wish me luck!
and send me some recipes!!!

PS... i plan to start walking!!!


  1. Awesome sis! I think I have a few good recipes you and Donny might like!!

  2. I'm trying to be a bit more DIY also. It's good to have a creative outlet.
