Saturday, June 6, 2009

Yard sales... chickens... and the garden....

welcome to our blog!!! I am creating this blog to keep up with all that goes on in our country life... enjoy!!!

sister and I went garage sailing....I seriously think we found the best stuff... she got 2 really nice pieces of furniture and some awesome shabby chic stuff for her guest room!!! I got a really cool old cabinet... I'm going to paint it... pictures will be up later on... we had a really fun sisters day out!!! Sisters truck almost didn't fit everything...

ok i was really freaked out a couple of days ago when my hub told me that we might, just maybe have a mouse under the kitchen sink.... so he set some mouse traps and on Wednesday night we heard a sound like no other... a trap going off... we caught the mouse!!!! she hubby showed the mouse to our cat ruby... and told her ok this is what you need to catch, its your job to catch the mice!!! and this is what i woke up to the very next morning....

right by the foot of my bed!!!!! yes that is a toy mouse with a bell on it... but she did her job!!!! and she had found like 4 more... it made is laugh very hard...

this is the chicken house....

this little girl somehow escaped... and cannot get back in...

Mr. & Mrs.
we have a huge garden and we cant wait for all the vegies to start growing!!!
organic is the way to go!!!

our first tomato!!!!


  1. Your pictures are so pretty! And yes it was so much fun yard sale-ing with you!

  2. I love the play on words Colleen - "yard sailing" - very clever. You're home and garden are really cute. You're such a little homemaker! Amanda and I were just saying the other day that you're naturally gifted when it comes to taking really cute and interesting photos. Kathleen and Mike's wedding and engagement photos were really good. Probably the best I've seen, seriously. You should think about doing it as a side job - all those getting married in a 50 mile radius (all 20 of them) can come to you! Love the blog but let's get another post already! -Age
