Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This post is about one of my most favorite people in the whole world.... My Sister!!! She is my best friend. She makes me laugh and doesn't judge me when I do stupid things like when the words "I classy." come out of my mouth. She has always been there for me and this is just a little way I can let her know how special she is to me!!!

The first memory I have ever in my whole life that I can remember is when on Kathleen's 1st birthday mom and dad got her a little tricycle, and I told her what they had gotten her!!! I remember she was so cute in her little pink dress!!! I remember even at such a young age that I loved her so much and I was so lucky to have a sister... a few years later when we were living in California and staying with Helen, Kathleen always loved to play grocery store in Helen's kitchen, and I always remember Helen had a potato and onion bin... and always washing something with those paper towels Helen had... and Kathleen was always singing opera... when we started to school at san bernardino christian I can still see Kathleen be-bopin into class with her purple plastic backpack and her stretchy pants (she would not wear jeans). I ignored her some times at school, because I was a 4th grader and way too cool to hang out with, or even acknowledge that I knew a 1st grader(I feel really bad about that now!!!) Now who could forget that perm that mom made us get... and she made Kathleen perm her bangs!!!! poor thing, but looking back now she was so cute!!! I remember laying in my bed and being a lazy hag and yelling for you to come to my room... and then I made you turn off my light and leave my room... I remember you operating on your stuffed animals, your tweety bird curtains that matched your bed spread, your cat that hated me (because I was mean to her). I remember that day when we were driving to school and hit a dog on the 215 freeway!!! and we both screamed and pulled over in very heavy traffic!!! I loved chasing you all thru the house trying to hug you!!! I remember the day I stood up to dad, we were in your room and I ran out there... and then I came running back in to your room shaking cause I just yelled at him... you were always there for me!

Kathleen I look back and realize all the fun times we had together, and I am sorry for those years when I was "too cool" to hang out with you. You are my best friend, my only sister and my favorite person ever!!! I am truly blessed that you live so close to me and we get to have lunch together 3 or 4 times a week and talk on the phone like 6 times a day!!! you are someone I look up to and admire, you are such a strong person and I am honored to have you in my life and call you my sister!!!


  1. Sister! Thank you so much for writing about me in this post. I love you so much too and I'm so glad we live so close too! Thanks for being such a great sister!

  2. You guys! Awwww...that was so dang sweet! You two are adorable. Colleen, I can't believe you made her come to turn off your light, that's hilarious. Kathleen, I can't believe you did it! -A

  3. I didn't know that's what she wanted. For all I knew she actually wanted to hang out with me for once. Boy, was I tricked!
